Comprehensive Advanced Implantology Course | May 3-4 2019


venerdì, 3 Mag 2019


Cattolica University Sacro Cuore Campus, Rome, Italy

May 3 (Fri) 2019

Comprehensive Advanced Implantology Course

8:30 – 10:30

Brief risk analysis and flap management. Diagnosis & CBCT evaluation prior to bone harvesting
The Periosteal Guided Bone Regeneration (PGBR) concept: case presentation
Rational for using autogenous bone
Complications and how to prevent them
Bone harvesting: case presentation. Piezo electric device vs. high speed
Long-term Facial tissue stability around implants augmented using the PGBR model: case presentation

Speaker: Dr. Fernando Verdugo
Director: Prof. Antonio D’ Addona

10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE break

Bone repair after harvesting. Research & case presentation
Understanding our limitations
Crestal split green fracture for implant placement
Periosteal Guided Bone Regeneration: complex cases in the esthetic zone
Soft & hard tissue harmonization
Importance of providing a band of keratinized tissue for teeth and implants:
what is the best approach for best long-term results?

Speaker: Dr. Fernando Verdugo
Director: Prof. Antonio D’ Addona

13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH break

14:00 – 16:00

Why do we see so many drastic implant complications?
The immediate implant: avoiding risks & biological complications
Risks of socket grafting: why do we graft the socket?
The accelerated socket bone healing using the hatch-door concept & PGBR
Sinus augmentation: can we use a minimally invasive approach?
What is the ideal volume of grafting material for sinus augmentation? Grafting vs. no grafting.
Peri-implantitis: why is the prevalence growing worldwide?
Are bone-augmented sites at greater risk of developing peri-implantitis?
Peri-implantitis prevention. Treatment predictability & Risk assessment: a different perspective.
Concluding remarks & Discussion

Speaker: Dr. Fernando Verdugo
Director: Prof. Antonio D’ Addona

May 04 (Sat) 2019

Maxillary Sinus Elevation with the DASK technique and contemporary Implant placement

9:00 – 11:00

Basic for sinus Elevation

Speaker: Dr. Jörg M. Ritzmann
Director: Prof. Antonio D’ Addona

11:30 – 13:00

Live Surgery

Speaker: Dr. Jörg M. Ritzmann
Director: Prof. Antonio D’ Addona

13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH break

14:30 – 16:30

Sinus Elevation hands-on in Animal Model

Speaker: Dr. Jörg M. Ritzmann
Director: Prof. Antonio D’ Addona

Course Registration

iCT Europe GmbH (Dentium Europe HQ)
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 5, 65760 Eschborn, Germany
Tel +49 06173 99998 70 |